Kamala Series

The Girl Who Wanted to Become A Princess - The Beginning
As a young girl, Kamala had a dream that others may consider impossible. She held onto her dream for many years and finally shared it with an old woman in the forest. The old woman told her how to fulfill her dreams. With new directions, Kamala began a grand adventure to chase her dream. Travel with Kamala as she takes on her impossible quest to realize her dream. This children’s book is the perfect bedtime story, which can be followed by a goodnight kiss and a wish of sweet dreams as you turn off the lights. This book is a revision of the original story “The Girl Who Wanted to Become A Princess.” Good read for ages 8—12.

Princess Kamala
and The Lost Boy
My third book continues the story of Princess Kamala over time, as she becomes the story teller and griot for her village. Through the telling of stories the children and their parents learn important life lessons and the history of their village. As Princess Kamala tells the story of The Lost Boy she explores human emotions such as: frustration, depression, anger, disappointment and sharing, in an easy format for young people and children to understand. The story focuses on two sisters, Nia and Kia, who almost tear their family apart through blame and distrust. As blame is shifted, within the village, more themes are exposed to the reader such as, sibling rivalry, conflict and its resolution through forgiveness. In the end it is the Gods’ divine hand that protects all the characters including the animals.

Princess Kamala and The Attack of King Timaeus
Princess Kamala’s favorite story was the attack of King Timaeus. As the story unfolds, Princess Kamala is sent a message from the Queen Mother, who lives across the desert, that King Timaeus is planning to launch an attack against their village. She immediately relays the message to the village elders, who ignore her warnings. Princess Kamala is hurt by their rebuff, but does not give up and continues to pursue a plan to protect and save the village from attack. Readers, ages 12 to 21, will enjoy this third story from the Princess Kamala series. Through this story we are inspired and motivated not to give up if your cause is just, even if others do.

Princess Kamala and the Marriage Contract
This is the fourth book in the Princess Kamala series. Within the pages the theme of love and marriage are explored. The reader will view the strong emotion of first love and its effect on immediate and extended families. The story finds Princess Kamala falling head over heels in love, for the first time with General Zunni, who is the epitome of strength and virility. This emotional upheaval in Princess Kamala’s life has ramifications in the lives of those who love her. Her family objects to the relationship and begins to arrange a marriage contract for her with another party. Although these conflicts take place in ancient Africa, we recognize how common they are in present-day culture. The story exposes the reader to character values and their flaws.

Princess Kamala and
the Dogon Oracle
This is the fifth book in the Princess Kamala series. Princess Kamala is requested to visit the Dogon people located in Mali. She is summons to an audience with the Dogon Oracle, who gives her information of a famine that will destroy all the western region. To prevent the famines destruction and save the kingdom, she can only reveal this information to the king. The Oracle also tell her that her children are being abused by a family member. To solve these problems, she cannot tell her husband, but must find a solution herself.

Kimathi and His Journey
into Manhood
Kimathi's journey into manhood is a story of survival. He arrives in Djenne as a refugee and is adopted by the widow Akilah. After he completes manhood training, he begins to rebuild his new home using the principle of Ubuntu, "I am because we are." He learned Ubuntu as a child from his family before the destruction of his village by the Togonah. The power of Ubuntu aided him during manhood training to bond with six boys, who will become his brothers for life. Learn about the power of Ubuntu, and how it is used by Kimathi to empower Djenne. Good read for ages 12--18.